
Maybe i should introduce myself… 

My name is Annabel de Kruif, I am 18 years old (born 4th of January 1995) and I am a Dutch girl. I am going to the pabo, which is a college especially for people who want to become a teacher, and are determined to work at a kindergarten or primary school. So, that is my choice.

I love to work with little children. They make me laugh, but they give me some philosofical thoughts about lives choices. They are not used to this magical world yet and ask question about most everything. Which is really interesting. People always say “No, you are too young for that.” but tend to forget that children understand a lot more than ‘us adults’ think. Of course, as a teacher, you are obligated to teach those young souls. But I think they can teach me a lot as well. Also I think we shouldn’t lock that up. They’re imagination is incredible. Don’t steal that away from them.

I guess for now that’s it. Any questions? Don’t be afraid to ask me

Lots of love,

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